Personal Development

Stress Management

If you are feeling anxious or stressed, maybe the Kinetic Foundry can help. We know that the body and mind are intricately connected. Though stress may feel psychological it also presents itself in the body and breath. Using techniques that calm tension in the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system has the opportunity to take a rest allowing you to find relief from those sensations of anxiety.

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Accent Reduction

Though the Kinetic Foundry loves all accents, some may feel their accent is an obstacle in their personal communication. Accent reduction is a process of identifying your particular accent and transitioning it to a different target accent.

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Individualized Goals

Do you have personal goals around communication but don’t see them reflected here? Let us know what you're looking to achieve and we will assess if our skills can help. If so, we can draw up a personalized plan and see if that’s the direction you want to move in.

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